We arrived into Sydney at Circular Quay to find so many people trying to disembark. Thinking it would take us hours before we boarded, we ventured along the waterfront to the back of the ship and around Darling Harbour.
Boarding with many other agents we received a message I’m BOARDING. WOW we thought. Its not even midday. We had dropped our bags off earlier and ran back to the check in and boarded before 12 pm.
Yes we’re on board. As you do, you want to find your room. We were advised our rooms wouldn’t be ready for a couple of hours, so next best things. FOOD. We wandered up to the Windjammers and checked out the back of the ship.
Finding our spot, we enjoyed the feeling of being away from the office and relaxing on the Voyager of the Seas. There's a buzz in the air. The reason we were on this cruise was work related, to meet up with other agents, Cruising gurus from all cruise lines and the Cruise Co awards for the year.

Our first evening we had the sail away party on top deck. There was so much going on. We walked every deck, checking out the events. Finding out what was on where and when. Not booking any shore tours we explored the ship from top to bottom.
Our first find was out little towel animal in our cabin. The Steward had made. So cute!

We found the taverns and tried them all that first evening. One drink per bar. So many places to find and hang out. Great atmosphere and everyone were very friendly and wanting to share their stories.
We unpacked and found our room on Deck 8. Interior Promenade View overlooking the Central Promenade. The room was spacious and with the extra seat at the window, found we had so much more room than a normal interior. Well it seemed to have more room. Extra seating.
Yes they gave us a King bed. What the??? Our first request of the cruise. We rang services and requested 2 single beds. Now If I had booked this myself This wouldn't have happened LOL.

The evening entertainment on deck 5 straight below us, we thought was going to be loud and noisy. Found the room so protected we didn’t know there was entertainment PLAYING. Couldn’t hear anyone talking or the echo’s that roamed along that arcade/ promenade. Sleeping every night was peaceful and in fact we slept in till 10 am on several mornings. Had no idea of the time and enjoyed the sleep ins.
The next day we had a full itinerary and meetings to attend. We listened to a young man called Mike Ross. Want to read an Inspirational story. Look him up! So interesting and a wonderful guest speaker.
We met in the Theatre for the conference along with 250 of us, to enjoy the talks and sharing Cruising industry latest and ways of improving our agencies. The conference was was entertaining and informative.

Back to the ship. That evening. We missed dinner! We took in an early dinner at the Windjammers and took off to see the shows. First up was the Ice skaters! What a show. Talented young skaters that have represented their countries in the sport. 45 min show that wow the audience. We had waiter service, so drinks weren’t far away. As you finished one, they were there to serve you the next.

The show came to a finish and wanted to see more. We rushed out of the Skating rink area on Deck 3 to head up to the Theatre to see the comedian.
Too FUNNY!!! A local from the Gold Coast he had us in fits of laughter. The night was hitting 11pm and we were coming to the end of our day and headed back to the cabin for some shut eye.
We had to be up early the next day. Telling ourselves get up, go for a early morning walk before breakfast. Deck 12 had a track up on the top deck. Great for the hair with the breeze blowing hard. Deck 4 also had plenty of room and you could walk around it. Port side had a few smokers, so taking a wide berth we continued on our walk. Plenty of space.
Breakfast we found ourselves ordering Room service. We thought we would take our time this morning and relax. Well breakfast was running a little late. We received a call at 8.20 am to say on their way. We had ordered Cereal, toast, a continental breakfast so we thought.
LOL we had to laugh. The cereal came, but no Milk. The banana was hot. The toast wasn’t toasted, and the croissant was one mouthful. We decided then and there we weren’t going to do that again unless we ordered the full breakfast.
We headed out for the 2nd day to the conference. This day brought along more speakers and events throughout the day. The highlight was the Awards night. YES Your Travel & Cruise won an award. WELL DONE LES! Well Done everyone!!
We held our evening events in the Star Lounge. Private function each evening. Star lounge was a popular spot for everyone on board. They held many quizzes, trivia and entertainment there throughout the day and evenings. The décor and area is very comfortable and plenty of room to relax and hang out for hours with friends. A small dance floor and stage for small bands, piano and singers.

The Morning we docked for Melbourne. All off the ship to our Pullman Hotel for the days conference. We over slept from the night before big gala event and woke around 10 am. OMG we missed the bus. Not feeling the best we slowly walked woke up not venturing out too far. The rest of our party had left the ship to catch the bus. OR did THEY? One of our group left her card in the room, leaving the rest standing on the plank ran back to her room to find her card. After a laugh or two they finally found themselves at the bottom of the pier ...WHERES THE BUS??? O no we missed it. Panic set in!! They then proceeded to head to the Pullman finding out it was 50 mins away. They told the taxi driver to take them down town for some therapy - shopping that is. Our fearless leader texts and says where are you all? Explaining what happen they advise we're 50 mins away, not coming. Just like Saint Trinians!!! A comedy of events unfolded after the nights intake of Lychee Martinis and some Bailey, Kahula chocolate cocktails. They finally made it to the conference. One college sent us a text where are you both??? Replied still on the Ship. We missed the bus. Not well. See you later. it was around Lunch time when she phoned us, and Myers had a sale on in Melbourne. Well that went down well. She then headed out to the Markets and Myers for the afternoon.
Back on board, The Promenade seemed to be were all the fun stuff was going on. They had a practice run on several days, all the crew were pirates, Vikings and duelling with swords & shields. Great to finally see them on the last day in full costumes. Great entertainment by the crew.
The shops along the Promenade had sales every day. Never far away was there a sale on an item. Loud announcements echoed over the ship.
The Café Promenade was straight below us on Deck 5. So handy. We found ourselves heading down there early each morning to grab our coffees and milkshakes.

The entertainment of board was wonderful. Never a dull moment. So many things going on. We didn’t have time to do many of them. Trivia, Mini Golf, Ring Toss, Arts & Crafts, Scavenger hunts, Family Basketball event, More Trivia, Laser Tag, Family Karaoke, Volleyball, big screen movies, Pub quizzes, Flow rider. The list goes on. One afternoon we sat in the Star Lounge making friends and tried to answer from Trivia questions. I think we actually won 2 out 6. Woohooo the crowd went wild. We Won!! The first one we won was name as many vegetables. we hit 37. Don't remember what we wrote.
The crew could never do enough for you. Very friendly. Learnt a lot of their names and they would come up to you and give you a hug and say hi. Ask how your day is going. Tell you more about themselves. Very friendly. Made the cruise a relaxing and enjoyable experience.

Food- We found the food in all restaurants and café’s very enjoyable. We headed up to Izumi to learn to make Sushi. So much fun!!! We made 4 different flavours and wraps. When finished we were able to take them home and share with friends. Making lunch ourselves, we enjoyed our lunch specially that day!! We tried the Lobster! It is on the menu in the main dining but does cost extra.

The ship on board is USD. Everything you purchase from food, drinks to personal items, everything is brought in USD. I always take my USD cash on board and place this on my shipboard account. I do have my Credit card as back up but usually $100 a day seems to work for me. I then have a little change at the end of the cruise coming back to me. This cruise was no different. I picked up $75 credit and though, great didn’t overspend.
The ship overall is running well. We had no problems while on board. If there was any problems, we didn’t know about it. The crew were busy working every day and always smiling. Made our working holiday enjoyable and very relaxing.
Deck 14 had many events happening. After a catch up meeting didn't happen I ventured up to Deck 14 to partake in whatever was happening. Ballet!!! OMG no pictures of this. Wasn't a pretty site. Had a drink then the violin player started up and I ventured back down to the room where I finally met up with a college.

Sailing home the seas were calm. Like a pond not a ripple. We did have 2 medical emergencies on board. 1 In Hobart. We had pulled out of port, sailed away for a couple of hours to hear an announcement. The ship is turning around. MEDICAL emergency!! 5 hours later we were back on our way heading to Melbourne. As we sailed from Melbourne - sailing out of the bay we had not been out more than an hour. Announcement!!! This is the Captain speaking. If your wondering why the ship is turning. We have a Medical Emergency. We will be returning to Port. 2 on one ship@@@. We set sail for Sydney to find the Captain over night has placed the ship on full speed and we made up the time. Arriving into Sydney on time and off the ship by 8am. What a crew!!!. Had a great week away for a working conference. Had a lot of fun and met some very interesting people.